Naoto Katayama, Hiroshi Kasugai, A Capactated Multi-Commdity Network Design Problem - A Solution Method for Finding a Lower Bound using Valid Inequalities, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.44, No.3, p164-175, 1993.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Minoru Iwata, et al., A Solution Method for a Uncapacitated Network Design Problem using the Lagrangean Relaxation Method, Infrastructure Planning Review, Vol.11, p105-112, 1993.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Hiroshi Kasugai, A Solution Method for the Budget Network Design Problem using the Lagrangean Relaxation Method, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.46, No.1, p21-27, 1995.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Approximation Methods for the Network Design Problem, Collected Papers for Founding of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, p171-191, 1997.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, An Approximation Algorithm for the User Equilibrium Reversible Lane Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.2, No.1, p37-49, 1997.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Development of a Traffic Simulation Model and a Case Study, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.2, No.2, p15-29, 1998.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Heuristics for Continuous Equilibrium Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.3, No.2, p1-14, 1999.(in Japanese)
Shigeru Yurimoto, Naoto Katayama, A Model for the Optimal Number and Locations of Public Distribution Centers, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Production Research, Vol.1, p677-680, 1999.

Naoto Katayama, Capacitated Network Design Problems, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.4, No.2, p51-63, 2000.(in Japanese)
Shigeru Yurimoto, Naoto Katayama, A Location Model of Public Distribution Centers considering NOx Emissions, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Logistics, p576-581, 2000.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problems: Model and Algorithms , Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.5, No.1, p21-40, 2000.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Greedy Algorithms for Capacitated Network Design Problems, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.5, No.2, p29-40, 2001.(in Japanese)
Yuji Yano, Shigeru Yurimoto, Naoto Katayama, The Reconciliation of Supply Chain Management with Regional Planning, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Production Research, p1-10 in CD-ROM, 2001.
Naoto Katayama, Greedy Algorithms for Capacitated Network Design Problems, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.6, No.1, p57-67, 2001.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, A Lagrange Relaxation Method for the Less-Than-Truckload Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.6, No.2, p81-91, 2002.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Shigeru Yurimoto, The Load Planning Problem for Less-than-Truckload Motor Carriers and a Solution Approach, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Logistics, p567-572, 2002.

Naoto Katayama, Location Models of Public Distribution Centers considering NOx Emissions under Traffic Congestion, Journal of Japan Logistics society, No.10, p81-89, 2002.
Naoto Katayama, A Model for the Optimal Number and Locations of Public Distribution Centers and its Application to the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol.9, No.4, p363-371, 2002.

Naoto Katayama, A Dual Ascent Method for the Budget Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.7, No.2, p17-23, 2003.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, A Lagrangean Relaxation Method for the Capacitated Network Design Problems with Partition Valid Inequalities, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.7, No.2, p25-32, 2003.(in Japanese)
Hiroaki Mohri, Ming Zhe Chen, Naoto Katayama, Lagrangian Approach for Hybrid Problem of Facility Location and Network Design, 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, p42, 2003.
Naoto Katayama, Greedy Algorithms for the Network Design Problem with a Budget Constraint , Infrastructure Planning Review, Vol.20, No.3, p779-786, 2003.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, A Dual Ascent Method for the Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.8, No.2, p23-32, 2004.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, The Product Allocation Problem in the Logistics Network, Journal of Japan Logistics society, No.12, p111-118, 2004.(in Japanese)
Sunmi Yun, Naoto Katayama, Shigetu Yurimoto, Possibility of the Modal Shift in Truck Transportation, Journal of Japan Logistics society, No.12, p119-126, 2004.(in Japanese)
Sunmi Yun, Naoto Katayama, Shigetu Yurimoto, Possibility of a Shift from Private to Commercial Trucks, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Logistics, p601-608, 2004.

Sunmi Yun, Naoto Katayama, Shigetu Yurimoto, A modal shift from trucks to railway and marine freight transport in Japan, working paper, 2004.

Naoto Katayama, A Capacity Scaling Heuristic for the Multicommodity Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.9, No.2, p1-12, 2005.(in Japanese)
Sunmi Yun, Naoto Katayama, Shigetu Yurimoto, A Modal Shift Model from Truck to Train and Ferry, Journal of Japan Logistics society, No.13, p35-42, 2005.(in Japanese)
Ming Zhe Chen, Naoto Katayama, Mikio Kubo, A Capacity Scaling Procedure for the Multi-Commodity Capacitated Network Design Problem, 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Hawaii, 2005.

Sunmi Yun, Naoto Katayama, Shigetu Yurimoto, A Modal Shift Model for the Logistics Network System in Japan, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Production Research, Salerno, in CD-ROM, 2005.

Ming Zhe Chen, Naoto Katayama, Hiroaki Mohri, A Lagrange Relaxation Method for the Network Design Problem Considering Facility Location, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.56, No.5, p331-338, 2005.(in Japanese)
Ming Zhe Chen, Naoto Katayama, Mikio Kubo, The Facility Location and Network Design Problem Subject to the Number of Freight Transshipment, Journal of Japan Logistics system, Vol.6, No.1, p29-42, 2005.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, A Capacity Scaling Heuristics Method for the Multi-commodity Capacitated Network Design Problem, International Seminar on Applied Mathematics for Real World Problems 2006 Japan, 2006.

Ming Zhe Chen, Naoto Katayama, Mikio Kubo, A Capacity Scaling Procedure for the Capacitated Network Design Problem with Piecewise Linear Costs, INFORMS International Hong Kong, 2006.

Ming Zhe Chen, Naoto Katayama, Mikio Kubo, A Capacity Scaling Procedure for the Multi-Commodity Capacitated Transportation Network Design Problem, Journal of Japan Logistics society, No.14, p85-92, 2006.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, A Survey of Approximate Methods for User Equilibrium Network Design Problems, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.11, No.1, p13-30, 2006.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Sunmi Yun, Shigetu Yurimoto, A Product-to-Plant Allocation Problem in Logistics Network Design, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Production Research, in CD-ROM, 2007.

Naoto Katayama, A Golumn and a Row Generation Heuristic for the Uncapacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.12, No.2, p1-15, 2007.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, A Lagrange Relaxation Method for the Uncapacitated Network Design Problem with Strong Forcing Constraints, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.13, No.1, p1-14, 2008.(in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Ming Zhe Chen, Mikio Kubo, Capacity Scaling Procedures for the Network Design Problem with Piecewise Linear Costs, Journal of Japan Logistics system, Vol.8, No.1, p3-12, 2009. (in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, Ming Zhe Chen, Mikio Kubo, A Capacity Scaling Procedure for the Multi-Commodity Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.232, No.1, p90-101, 2009.

Seyu Tei, Naoto Katayama, A Supply Chain Network Design Problem with Concave Inventory Costs, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Production Research, in CD-ROM, 2009.

Naoto Katayama, Shigeru Yurimoto, Combining Capacity Scaling and Local Branch Approaches for the Logistics Network Design Problem, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Production Research, in CD-ROM, 2011.

Seyu Tei, Naoto Katayama,The Logistics Network Design Problem with Inventory Costs, Journal of Japan Logistics system, Vol.12, No.1, p5-12, 2011. (in Japanese)
Naoto Katayama, A Survey and Comparisons of Numerical Experiments for the Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.16, No.2, p1-36, 2012.(in Japanese)
- Naoto Katayama, Asset-Balanced Service Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.17, No.1, p29-50,2012.(in Japanese)
- Naoto Katayama, Unsplittable Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.18, No.1, p1-19,2013.(in Japanese)
- Naoto Katayama, Capacitated Network Design Problem with Flow Tree Constraints, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.18, No.1, p21-34,2013.(in Japanese)
- Naoto Katayama, LTL Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.18, No.1, p35-58,2013.(in Japanese)
- Naoto Katayama, n Partition Inequalities for Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.19, No.2, p23-32, 2015.(in Japanese)
- Naoto Katayama, A Branch and Price Algorithm for Capacitated Network Design Problem, Logistics Review, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.63, p45-59, 2015.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, Hop-Constrained Capacitated Network Design Problem, Logistics Review, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.63, p45-59, 2015.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama,A Combined Capacity Scaling and Local Branching Approach for Capacitated Multi-Commodity Network Design Problem, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 92(1), 1-30, 2015.
- Naoto Katayama, Shigeru Yurimoto, The Load Planning Problem for Less-than-Truckload Motor Carriers and a Solution Approach in Developments in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Past, Present and Future, Ed. Pawar,KS., Rogers, H., Potter, A and Naim, M, Palgrave Macmillan, p240-249, 2015, UK.
- Naoto Katayama, A Combined Matheuristics for Service Network Design Problem, The International Federation of Logistics and SCM Systems, Vol.8, p11-20, 2015.
- Naoto Katayama,Capacitated Robustness Network Design Problem, 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of Ryutsu Keizai University, p515-530, 2016.(in Japanese)
- Naoto Katayama,Tree Generation Technique for Capacitated Network Design Problem with Flow Tree Constraints, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.21, No.1, p1-17,2016.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama,A Combined Capacity Scaling and Local Branching Matheuristic for the Hop-Constrained Multicommodity Network Design Problem, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.94(3), p185-215, 2016.

- Naoto Katayama, Fast Algorithm for Unsplittable Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.21, No.2, p41-60,2017.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, MIP Neighborhood Search Algorithms for Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.22, No.1, p1-18,2017.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, Approximate Algorithms for Large Scale Instances of Capacitated Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.22, No.1, p19-34,2017.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, A Combined Matheuristic for the Piecewise Linear Multicommodity Network Flow Problem, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol.34, No.6, DOI:10.1142/S0217595917500336, 2017.

- Naoto Katayama, A MIP Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Service Network Design Problem with Asset-Balance Requirements, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.22, No.2, p1-16,2018.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, A MIP Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Unsplittable Capacitated Network design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.22, No.2, p17-31,2018.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, A Neighborhood Search for the Single-Path Design-Balanced Service Network Design Problem, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.23, No.1, p1-22,2018.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, A Combined Fast Greedy Heuristic for the Capacitated Multicommodity Network Design Problem, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 70, No.11, p1983-1996,DOI:10.1080/01605682.2018.1500977, 2019.

- Naoto Katayama, Heuristics for Multicommodity Network Flow Problem with Piecewise Linear and Staircasing Costs, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.24, No.1, p1-28, 2019.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, Models for Network Design with Integer Assets, Asset-Balanced, Nonbifurcated, In-Tree, and Hop Constraints, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.24, No.2, p1-32, 2020.(in Japanese).

- Naoto Katayama, A Formulation for Closed-Loop Logistics Network Design Problems, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.24, No.2, p33-50, 2020.(in Japanese).

- Naoto Katayama, MIP Neighborhood Search Heuristics for a Capacitated Fixed-charge Network Design Problem, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, DOI:10.1142/S0217595920500098, 2020.

- Naoto Katayama, MIP Neighborhood Search Heuristics for a Service Network Design Problem with Design-Balanced Requirements, Journal of Heuristics, Vol.26, No.4, p475-502, DOI:10.1007/s10732-020-09437-x, 2020.

- Naoto Katayama, Lagrangian Relaxations for Multicommodity Network Design Model with Integer Assets, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.25, No.1, p1-30, 2020.(in Japanese).

- Naoto Katayama, MIP Searches for Multicommodity Network Design Model with Integer Assets, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.25, No.1, p31-60, 2020.(in Japanese).

- Naoto Katayama, An MIP Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Network Design Problem with In-Tree Constraints, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.25, No.2, p7-28, 2021.(in Japanese).

- Naoto Katayama, Tree Generation methods for Network Design Problem with
In-Tree Constraints, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.25, No.2, p29-42, 2021.(in Japanese).

- Naoto Katayama, Network Design Problems with Delivery Time Constraints, Logistics Review, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.71, p140-159, 2021.(in Japanese)

- Naoto Katayama, Facility Location and Network Design Problems with Time Constraint, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.26, No.2, p21-42, 2022.(in Japanese).

- Naoto Katayama, Facility and Inventory Location Problems with Time Limits of Delivery, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.27, No.1, p1-20, 2022.(in Japanese).

Yuanyuan Xhang,Jie Pang,Naoto Katayama,Guangsen Li, A Study on Imported Food Safety Risk Assessment in China from Supply Chain Perspective in Post-COVID-19 Era, Journal of Japan Logistics system, Vol.31, No.1, p89-96, 2023. (in Japanese)
- Naoto Katayama, Naoto Katayama, Node-Arc Supply Chain Network Design Models under Disruption Risks, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.28, No.2, p1-30, 2024.

- Naoto Katayama, Path Formulations for Supply Chain Network Design Models under Disruption Risks, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.29, No.1, p1-37, 2024.

- Naoto Katayama, Numerical Experiments of Several Network Design Models for Large Instances, Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics Systems, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.29, No.1, p19-36, 2024.

- Naoto Katayama, Matheuristics for Capacitated Network Design Problems using Arc Cost Scaling and MIP Neighbourhood Search, Ryutsu Keizei University, Vol.29, No.2, p9-26, 2025.

Capacitated Network Design Problem: Upper Bounds and Gaps
Service Network Design with Design-Balanced Requirements: Upper Bounds and Gaps (22/February/2018))
Hop-Constrained Capacitated Network Design Problem: Upper Bounds and Gaps (18/OctoberNovember/2017)
Unsplittable Capacitated Network Design Problem: Upper Bounds and Gaps (28/February/2018)
Unsplittable/Single-Path Service Network Design with Design-Balanced Requirements: Upper Bounds and Gaps (28/February/2018))
Piecewise Linear Multicommodity Network Flow Problem: Upper Bounds and Gaps (01/November/2017)