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11001000600Bushido and the art of living : an inquiry into samurai values / Alexander Bennett. -- 1st English-language ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).156/7
23000694721神と仏の出逢う国 / 鎌田東二著. -- 角川学芸出版, 2009. -- (角川選書 ; 449).162.1/24
31001000550Toward creation of a new world history / Haneda Masashi ; translated by Noda Makito. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).201/7
41001000562Mutsu Munemitsu and his time / Okazaki Hisahiko ; translated by Noda Makito. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).210.6/5
51001000690Toward the Abe statement on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II : lessons from the 20th century and a vision for the 21st century for Japan / The Advisory Panel on the History of the 20th Century and on Japan's Role and the World Order in the 21st Century ; translated by Tara Cannon. -- Japan Pub. Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).210.6/6
681280561戦後70年談話の論点 / 21世紀構想懇談会編. -- 日本経済新聞出版社, 2015.210.7/521
71001000547Edo Japan encounters the world : conversations between Donald Keene and Shiba Ryotaro / translated by Tony Gonzalez. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).210/10
81001000461The people and culture of Japan : conversations between Donald Keene and Shiba Ryotaro / translated by Tony Gonzalez ; : pbk. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).210/9
91001000636Unsung heroes of old Japan / Michifumi Isoda ; translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).281/1
103000730766無私の日本人 / 磯田道史著. -- 文藝春秋, 2012.281/235
111001000651The entrepreneur who built modern Japan : Shibusawa Eiichi / Shimada Masakazu ; translated by Paul Narum. -- Japan Pub. Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).289.1/2
121001000473If there were no Japan : a cultural memoir / Roger Pulvers. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2015. -- (Japan library).302.1/13
133000891844もし、日本という国がなかったら / ロジャー・パルバース著 ; 坂野由紀子訳. -- 集英社インターナショナル, 2011.302.1/135
141001000701Japan in Asia : post-Cold-War diplomacy / Tanaka Akihiko ; translated by Jean Connell Hoff. -- Japan Pub. Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).319.1/5
151001000648Perspectives on Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations / the Yomiuri Shimbun Political News Departmant ; translated by John Rossman. -- Japan Pub. Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).319.2/6
161001000574The territory of Japan : its history and legal basis / Serita Kentaro ; translated by Alex Meyer. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).329.2/12
171001000485Tree-ring management : take the long view and grow your business slowly / Hiroshi Tsukakoshi ; translated by Hart Larrabee. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2015. -- (Japan library).335.1/18
183000504363リストラなしの「年輪経営」 : いい会社は「遠きをはかり」ゆっくり成長 / 塚越寛著. -- 光文社, 2009.335.1/280
191001000663Global class Japanese SMEs / Makoto Kurosaki ; translated by Larry Greenberg. -- Japan Pub. Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).335.5/125
201001000687The happy youth of a desperate country : the disconnect between Japan's malaise and its millennials / Noritoshi Furuichi ; translated by Raj Mahtani. -- Japan Pub. Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).367.6/11
211000930730Human resource development in twentieth-century Japan / Inoki Takenori ; translated by Tony Gonzalez. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).372.1/1
221001000675The self-defense forces and postwar politics in Japan / Sado Akihiro ; translated by Noda Makito. -- Japan Pub. Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).392.1/3
231001000446Essays on the history of scientific thought in modern Japan / edited by Osamu Kanamori ; translated by Christopher Carr and M.G. Sheftall. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2016. -- (Japan library).402.1/1
241001000586Wasan : the fascination of traditional Japanese mathematics / Sakurai Susumu ; translated by Emma Ford, with Gaynor Sekimori. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).419.1/1
251001000458Listen to the voice of the Earth : learn about earthquakes to save lives / Satoko Oki ; translated by Takako Iwaki. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2015. -- (Japan library).453/5
263000648421地球の声に耳をすませて : 地震の正体を知り、命を守る / 大木聖子著. -- くもん出版, 2011.453/72
271001000508Contemporary Japanese architects : profiles in design / Igarashi Taro ; translated by David Noble. -- 1st ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).520.2/1
283000891856現代日本建築家列伝 : 社会といかに関わってきたか / 五十嵐太郎著. -- 初版. -- 河出書房新社, 2011. -- (河出ブックス ; 035).520.2/9
291001000422The building of Horyu-ji : the technique and wood that made it possible / Tsunekazu Nishioka and Jiro Kohara ; translated by Michael Brase. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2016. -- (Japan library).521.8/2
301001000624Japan's wooden heritage : a journey through a thousand years of architecture / Terunobu Fujimori and Mitsumasa Fujitsuka ; translated by Hart Larrabee. -- 1st ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).521.8/3
311001000410日本木造遺産 : 千年の建築を旅する / 藤森照信, 藤塚光政著. -- 世界文化社, 2014.521.8/48
323000891096法隆寺を支えた木 / 西岡常一, 小原二郎著. -- 日本放送出版協会, 1978. -- (NHKブックス ; 318).521.8/49
331000993923Sushi art cookbook : the complete guide to kazari sushi / Ken Kawasumi. -- Tuttle Publishing, 2017.596.2/4
341000993950My Japanese table : a lifetime of cooking with friends and family / Debra Samuels ; foreword by Roy Yamaguchi ; photography by Heath Robbins ; styling by Catrine Kelty ; : [pbk.]. -- Tuttle, 2015.596/11
351000768852庭師小川治兵衛とその時代 / 鈴木博之著. -- 東京大学出版会, 2013.629.2/19
361001000535Landscape gardener Ogawa Jihei and his times : a profile of modern Japan / Suzuki Hiroyuki ; translated by Hart Larrabee. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).629.2/2
371001000523The Japanese sense of beauty / Takashina Sh◆U016B◆ji ; translated by Matt Treyvaud. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).702.1/4
383000789355日本人にとって美しさとは何か / 高階秀爾著. -- 筑摩書房, 2015.702.1/68
391001000612Soetsu Yanagi : selected essays on Japanese folk crafts / Soetsu Yanagi ; with the cooperation of the Japan Folk Crafts Museum ; translated by Michael Brase. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2017. -- (Japan library).750/1
401000993908The art of the Japanese sword : the craft of swordmaking and its appreciation / Leon and Hiroko Kapp, Yoshindo Yoshihara ; photos by Yoshikazu Yoshihara and Aram Compeau. -- Tuttle Pub., 2012.756.6/1
411001000511Designing Japan : a future built on aesthetics / Kenya Hara ; translated by Maggie Kinser Hohle and Yukiko Naito. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).757/4
421001000434Kabuki : a mirror of Japan : ten plays that offer a glimpse into evolving sensibilities / Matsui Kesako ; translated by David Crandall. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2016. -- (Japan library).774/2
431001000497Mixing work with pleasure : my life at Studio Ghibli / Toshio Suzuki ; translated by Roger Speares. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).778.7/2
441001000598Words to live by : Japanese classics for our time / Nakano K◆U014D◆ji ; translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter. -- 1st English ed. -- Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2018. -- (Japan library).910.2/1
453000891110世界のなかの日本 : 十六世紀まで遡って見る / 司馬遼太郎,ドナルド・キーン著. -- 中央公論社, 1996. -- (中公文庫 ; し-6-42).B66/1001
463000679806もの / 柳宗悦著. -- 筑摩書房, 2011. -- (ちくま学芸文庫 ; [ヤ22-2] . 柳宗悦コレクション ; 2).B70/479/2
473000813270学校と工場 : 二十世紀日本の人的資源 / 猪木武徳著. -- 増補. -- 筑摩書房, 2016. -- (ちくま学芸文庫 ; [イ52-1]).B70/721
483000891122夢中になる!江戸の数学 / 桜井進著. -- 集英社, 2012. -- (集英社文庫 ; [さ50-1]).B74/365
493000589678新しい世界史へ : 地球市民のための構想 / 羽田正著. -- 岩波書店, 2011. -- (岩波新書 ; 新赤版 1339).I000/1339
503000710078仕事道楽 : スタジオジブリの現場 / 鈴木敏夫著. -- 新版. -- 岩波書店, 2014. -- (岩波新書 ; 新赤版 1486).I000/1486
513000759720世界に冠たる中小企業 / 黒崎誠著. -- 講談社, 2015. -- (講談社現代新書 ; 2300).S334/2300
523000425175日本人と日本文化 / 司馬遼太郎, ドナルド・キーン著. -- 中央公論社, 1972. -- (中公新書 ; 285).S6/285
533000773615昭和史講義 : 最新研究で見る戦争への道 / 筒井清忠編. -- 筑摩書房, 2015. -- (ちくま新書 ; 1136).S622/1136
543000891107日本人の知らない武士道 / アレキサンダー・ベネット著. -- 文藝春秋, 2013. -- (文春新書 ; 926).S656/926